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Ego vs. Comedy Career

Eddie Gamez


There’s a plethora of information out there about what you can do to further your career potential.

As a comedy producer, I’m always searching for whatever tips I can find to help further production and essentially my own comedy career.

One thing I constantly encounter working with other comics is the presence of ego.

As comics, we all have egos. No one can claim they don’t have an ego, otherwise you wouldn’t be striving to find stage time and be seen.

I came across this quote that I felt in some ways applies to what I see:

The main thing that strikes a nerve with me in the presence of an ego is the fact that I encounter it too often with people who have one and it’s unwarranted.

Yeah, you might be well known on the open mic scene, or you might get unpaid spots on shows frequently, but what have you really done?

Here are my thoughts.

There’s a difference between taking comedy seriously and being full of yourself

Ego plays into all aspects of our career and having an ego can be helpful in some cases to propelling you into your true career potential.

Having a positive ego primarily helps us focus on the facts and take things seriously so we work hard to achieve our goals. Your expectations of yourself and your perception of how others view you are more realistic.

If you use your ego incorrectly, it can result in a “me” driven attitude built upon insecurity that not only looks bad, but has no place in an industry that just doesn’t care how important you think you are as a comic. You’ll end up creating expectations of yourself and others that will only be seen as unreasonable and leave you disappointed in the long run.

Egos always leave a bad impression

Some people have the ability to keep their ego in check but when it rears its ugly head, it can be the beginning of the kiss of death to your image. Even when you have known a person for a while, when we see an ugly ego it certainly changes the dynamic.

Egos might be more forgiving in a setting of family and friends, but in business it’s not something that anyone wants to deal with. Unless you are an exceptional talent then you usually have a window to assert your ego, but even that dries up over time and people grow tired.

No matter who you are, an ego with negative implications will always be something people see as detrimental for business. If you are labeled as being difficult to work with then don’t be surprised when people turn their backs on you.

Don’t let your ego get in the way of your success. Some of the most enjoyable relationships and best comics I’ve encountered and had the privilege to work with were some of the most humble people I have met. It really goes to show how important humility is in this industry.

Got questions or something to add? Comment below and tell us your thoughts!

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